Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Peas and Memories....

I was so excited when I found out fresh peas would be in today's farm share.  There just isn't much better than peas straight from the garden.  
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I have never really enjoyed shelling peas.  It seems so tedious and time consuming.
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Today, after I got home with my fresh garden goods, I knew the peas would have to be cooked tonight!
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I even looked forward to shelling them.  
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As I sat outside enjoying the spring weather and shelling my fresh peas, I recalled years ago when I used to shell them.
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I have fond memories of shelling peas with my grandpa.  Not that I loved the work, but he always made things fun.  It was just fun to be with him.
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My grandpa loved gadgets.  One year he purchased a gadget that shelled peas!  It worked kind of like a ringer washer.  It didn't really work all that great but we had fun trying it together.
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I was much slower today with getting my peas shelled.  It took me awhile to get back in the groove of it after all these years.  I might have finished the job much sooner if I wasn't eating them as I shelled them :)
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I have to admit, I was a bit melancholy as I prepared these fresh peas tonight.  But I'm also thankful to have such sweet memories of sharing garden chores with my dear grandpa.  And, they were super yummy with our meal :)
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1 comment:

Mary said...

I absolutely love these photos.. and the memories thank you for sharing them. I loved this post!